Allah tidak akan menguji hamba-Nya lebih daripada kemampuan hamba-Nya,
Ya Allah,
hanya kepada-Mu aku memohon,
Kau kuatkan lah hati aku, semangat ku dan kesabaran aku dalam menempuh segala dugaan yang mendatang dalam hidup aku..
hanya kepada-MU aku memohon dan hanya kepada-Mu aku berserah...
Ya Allah,
ampunikan lah segala dosa aku, dosa kedua ibu bapa ku, dosa adik-beradik ku, dosa kawan-kawan ku, dosa guru-guru ku dan dosa muslimin dan muslimat...sama ada yang masih hidup atau yang telah meninggal dunia...
Ya Allah,
aku mohon pada-Mu Ya Allah,
jauhkan lah daripada aku,
sifat hasad dan dengki,
jauhkanlah daripada aku perasaan hasad dan dengki orang lain,
jauhkanlah aku daripada pandangan jahat orang lain....
Ya Allah,
hanya pada-Mu aku memohon,
Engkau murahkanlah rezeki kami,
cemerlangkanlah kami dalam pelajaran,
permudahkanlah perjalanan hidup kami...
Ya Allah Ya Rahman Ya Rahim,
Engkau lah yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang,
Tiada yang Maha Mengetahui selain daripada Engkau...
dan aku berserah segalanya kepada-Mu, Ya Allah.
nothingmoreandless: Mr. PJD said " better have a good perception toward yourself and think positive rather than you keep stressing yourself and keep crying and crying because it doesn't help you to solve the problems. i'm here to lend my ears to listen to your is my shoulder, lend it to you at the moment you down, i'm here to wipe your tears..remember that..! Don't keep it yourself because i know you, better than yourself..i know that you unable to bear it yourself..don't keep it deep and deep, bottom in your heart...Allah hadirkan saya dalam hidup awak agar saya dapat menjaga awak..." (aku cantikkan ayat dia bagi sedap korang baca ea..)
Ya Allah,
aku bersyukur kepada-Mu Ya Allah..
Engkau pertemukan aku dengan dia..panjangkan lah jodoh kami sampai ke syurga-Mu Ya Allah.
p/s: Dear, i'm so sorry coz buat abg susah hati sebab saya...maaf sebab menyusahkan abg..Thanks sbb bawa saya ke Rafflesia..i'm already throw that anti-stress medicine.
After "Doctor's consultation", i know that i don't need it..i just have to manage my life better, ignore anything that can caused me stress, focused on my study, keep positive thinking, don't keep something that menganggu my mind, what else??? she said that stress can caused a negative affect to your body, your mind, mentally, and so on..stress may caused by any relationship whether with family, love, friends and so on..hurmmm..she said that i have to be strong, relax..about that sakit-sakit yang u hadapi tu, it is because you stress+depressed too much. Come on girl.. it is not good for you and your health..actually it is very2 negative for you..i know how much it affected you i'm not going to menakutkan you but sesetengah orang akibat sangat tidak tahan dengan tekanan perasaan and stress tooooo much, some of them decide utk too much if i nak cerita..just now you said that your mum keep asking that your face always look pale when you got home.. it is so okay..first you closed your eyes, relax your body then you breath, deep breath, clear your minds and beristifar. then you smile. BUT do not over smile because maybe people surround you might be realize that you smile sorang2 then hairan pulak mereka.....
aduh, doktor nie...sempat lagi buat jokes time2 aku meleleh2 hingus nie..! You still young, you still have a long journey..Anything, everything..happens there is a reasons. Allah already set something for you..prepare yourself..ini baru did not know what will happen tomorrow..and tomorrow! when you want to sleep at night, after you doa to HIM, deep in your heart, forgive the others..anybody that hurts you, anybody that makes you angry, anybody makes mistakes even keep doing and doing, so ok..just forgive them..Allah sayang hamba-hamba-Nya. Remember that...also pray that the others also will do the same..forgive your mistakes..then, when you wake up, you will be more and more happy to start a new day today...Alhamdulillah...she said, NYAWA KAMU LEBIH PENTING ! pray to Allah, HE know what is good for you...sayang diri kamu.
*memang xpernah sangka i have reached this stage in my life ..never..! (she said jangan anggap yang kamu ada masalah mental plak..yang jumpa doktor/kaunselor bukannya semua ada masalah psiko ker apa ker..okay?) but Alhamdulillah..masih ada yang teguh berdiri di sebelah aku mebantu aku berdiri agar tidak lagi terjelepok seperti that time lagi....###dah janji dengan abg, xnk nanggis and simpan lagi..!